Wednesday, October 21, 2009

fall of the republic

Fall Of The Republic gives one a sense of a much greater awakening than any previous Alex Jones film.

An appropriate analogy would be to say that Jones’ previous works, Terrorstorm, Endgame and The Obama Deception are akin to the comprehension extending monoliths in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Fall Of The Republic, however, is the consciousness expanding stargate that those earlier artifacts point toward. Indeed, its themes and concerns echo those of the Kubrick classic – the progression of mankind, the sacrifices we must make and the forces we must overcome in forging our future.

The filmcannot be classed as a single issue documentary. It is at once both a commentary on and an expose of the world we live in. At it’s core, like our modern society, the film revolves around the global economic system and those who seek to control it.

For the better part of a century this all encompassing system has operated as a total parasite on the populations of this planet. It has been carefully aligned to benefit an elite few while degrading the standard of life for everyone else it comes into contact with.

Now it has become more than clear that this is the case, public anger is prominent. The people want to know who exactly is to blame for the turmoil we’ve been burdened with, why power hungry oligarchs continue to prosper at the expense of the free world, and what can be done to reverse this course of corruption.

While Michael Moore waves a general finger in the direction of “Capitalism”, without ever identifying who that really encompasses, Alex Jones grabs you by the scruff of the neck and and marches you straight into central headquarters of the culprits.


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