Friday, October 23, 2009

steve phillips girlfriend picture

steve phillips girlfriend picture

The pictures of Steve Phillips’ secret girlfriend Brooke Hundley released. 46-year-old Steve Phillips has been suspended by ESPN since he revealed his relation with 22-year-old Brooke Hundley. A divorce has already been filed by Phillips’ wife, Marni Phillips. The ESPN authorities may soon decide Phillips’ future after production assistant Brooke Hundley issue.
First it was Rosa Rodriguez, whom Steve Phillips, Mets’ General Manager American baseball analyst and former baseball executive, was linked to have a deep love affair and afterwards, Rosa had sued him and now it’s another 22-year-old production assistant who’s making headlines after a divorce appeal by Mrs. Marni Phillips in September, 2009. The new story also revealed some shocking facts such as cyber-stalking one of Steve’s sons on the Facebook, barraging Marni with teasing phone calls and sending her acerbic messages etc.
Steve Phillips has put his job on the stake by disclosing his love-affair with Brooke Hundley through a statement to the ESPN production members that reads; “I am extremely sorry that my affair with Brooke put my family and colleagues in trouble however, its my personal matter therefore, I’ll not make any further comments.”
Plenty of fresh pictures of young production assistant Brooke Hundley have been aired and people are wondering as to why Steve cheated? Even Brooke has directly asked Marni in one of her letters that why Steve’s not honest with you, especially regarding his relation with me?” She continues to state, “I work with Steve and I am not an ordinary girl whom Steve’s hanging around for quite a while now.”
However, the ESPN officials claim that they were already aware of the issue but they were waiting for the right time to take action. Marni on the other hand, was indeed very terrified with the over-intervening and kind threatening approach of Brooke into her personal life. Her subsequent statements reflect her inner feelings evidently. For instance she said, “Being a mother of four young kids, I am terrified and I fear the safety of my family a great deal.” “I am taking safety precautions and acquiring Wilton Police security services.”
It was Rosa Rodriguez who put Phillips in deep trouble in 1998 when he was a general manager with Mets. Rosa spun his head by disclosing Steve’s sexual relations with her and suing him and his team for sexual harassment. Steve not only admitted the relation with Rosa but also with a number of other women while he was married to 19-year-old Marni. Bobby Valentine the former Mets’ manager took very serious notice of the issue and Steve Phillips had to leave the Mets.


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