Thursday, February 11, 2010

dallas snow

dallas snow

A rare Dallas snow is blanketing the city, as well as other parts of Texas, in bizarre weather today, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010.

Some of the snow is sticking, and the Dallas Morning News reports that one to three inches of snow is possible for Dallas today.

The snow has already closed some schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, including Jesuit College Preparatory and Cistercian Prepartory School in Irving.

Here are some photos from the Associated Press of the strange scene of snow in downtown Dallas:

Dallas-area florists are facing a scary situation.

A lot of people want them to deliver Valentine flowers to their sweetheart's office on Friday. But the National Weather Service is predicting that today's slushy streets could be covered with a hard sheet of ice tomorrow morning

Bruce McShan, owner of McShan Florist in Dallas, encourages customers to ask for delivery today or wait for a home delivery on Saturday. Try to stay away from Friday, he advised.

"If the ice forecast comes to fruition, your sweetheart may not even get to the office on Friday," McShan said. "And if we have icy roads, we may not even be able to get to that office."

Snow, ice and deliveries just don't go together. And that includes things like pizza deliveries and document couriers – not just flowers.

Meanwhile, McShan and other florists are preparing the Valentine floral arrangements in their shops and casting a wary eye out the window to see what the next two days hold for the precarious business of delivering the product to customers


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