Tuesday, October 20, 2009

leah ignagni

leah ignagni

According to Nashville, Tenn., police, Leah Ignagni was dating the late NFL star Steve McNair at the time of his July 4 murder at the hands of lover Sahel Kazemi.

The other other woman recalled seeing a woman in a black Cadillac Escalade parked outside his condo 2-3 weeks before his murder. It is not clear who owns it.

However, Leah Ignagni also said the woman followed her and that she later saw the Escalade circling her block or parked outside her apartment 1-2 weeks later.

A 2007 black Escalade was co-registered to Sahel Kazemi and Steve McNair.

This backs up earlier case details that stated Kazemi was suspicious of McNair being involved with someone else. McNair was also married and had children.

Leah Ignagni told police that McNair visited her around 4 a.m. on July 2, just a couple of hours after Kazemi's DUI arrest, and then the former Tennessee Titans star spent the night at Ignagni's apartment before leaving early July 3.

If this is to be believed, Steve McNair went to Leah Ignagni's house after he got Sahel Kazemi out of jail, which may have been the catalyst for her murdering McNair then turning the gun on herself in the grisly murder-suicide.

Another theory was that McNair was about to break things off with Kazemi, who
wanted to merry McNair,who was unwilling to end his marriage to wife Mechelle.


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