Thursday, February 11, 2010

isabella blow

British fashion icon Alexander McQueen commits suicide days after death of his beloved mother
British fashion designer Alexander McQueen has been found dead after taking his own life.

McQueen with his mother Joyce at the Givenchy fashion show in July 1997

The 40-year-old committed suicide just days after the death of his beloved mother, Joyce, last Tuesday.
His death also comes just three years after his close friend, Isabella Blow – who plucked him

from obscurity and helped him become a star – killed herself.
McQueen, who was christened Lee but used his middle name for his label, was found at his luxury flat in Mayfair, central London. It is believed he hanged himself.
One of his contemporary lines, McQ, was scheduled to be shown at New York Fashion Week on Thursday afternoon.
His design company said in a statement: ‘On behalf of Lee McQueen’s family, Alexander McQueen today announces the tragic news that Lee McQueen, the founder and designer of the Alexander McQueen brand, has been found dead at his home.
‘At this stage it is inappropriate to comment on this tragic news beyond saying that we are devastated and are sharing a sense of shock and grief with Lee’s family.
‘Lee’s family has asked for privacy in order to come to terms with this terrible news and we hope the media will respect this.’
Two police officers were outside the entrance to his flat, which is in a six-storey red-brick building

Scotland Yard said police were called to the property by the London Ambulance Service at 10.20am after he was found dead.
A police statement said: ‘Next of kin have been informed, however we await formal identification. A post mortem will be scheduled in due course, an inquest will open and adjourn in due course. The death is being treated as non suspicious.’
Openly gay, McQueen once described himself as the ‘pink sheep of the family’.
He once said: ‘I was sure of myself and my sexuality and I’ve got nothing to hide. I went straight from my mother’s womb onto the gay parade.’
The designer married his partner, film-maker George Forsyth in 2000 on a yacht owned by the prince of Gambia in Ibiza. Close friend Kate Moss was a bridesmaid.
Alexander McQueen

Loss: British fashion icon Alexander McQueen has killed himself


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