Saturday, October 17, 2009

balloon boy announcement

balloon boy announcement

A balloon boy announcement is apparently coming today. Richard Heene, the dad of "balloon boy" has an announcement scheduled for later on Saturday, and took the time to let the press outside of his house know thit would be coming. This Richard Heene announcement has everyone wondering if there is going to be information

about a possible Heene family hoax, if there is a Heene family reality show in the works, or if the Richard Heene announcement will be just more of the same that he has give in interviews all across television in the past couple of days.

What originally started as a story about a little boy that appeared to be in danger has devolved into something far less intriguing. At first everyone was told by the Heene family that their son was in a balloon that had broken away from their Colorado home, and when the media jumped on that story it began a very dramatic chase in helicopters and emergency vehicles as they tried to track the balloon. Then it was discovered that Falcon Heene wasn't even in the balloon, and the stretch was made that he could have possibly fallen out while the balloon was in flight. That brought to mind even worse fears about what might have happened, but in the end the kid was found hiding in the attic of his house.

After the boy (Falcon Heene) was found in his house, many stories began surfacing about this possibly being a huge Heene family hoax. Whether or not a Heene family hoax has taken place, it is very clear that Richard Heene wants to keep himself and his family in the spotlight, and issued a quick statement this morning that a big announcement was coming. Hopefully the announcement coming from Richard Heene is that he is going to buy up the crops that were ruined when his balloon came crashing down on to the property of someone else in Colorado. Lost in this story apparently, is that the well kept field of wheat was trampled in an effort to track down Heene's balloon. Odds are he won't mention that though, and try to gloss over his responsibility in the matter.


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